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The 3rd National Aboriginal Wellbeing Conference featured an amazing array of Aboriginal Speakers and Workshop Presenters from across Australia sharing their knowledge
from a wide range of practice areas.
I loved the conference!! I attended the Ballina one last year as well...You all put on a great conference it was fantastic yet again and can’t wait for next years!!!
I loved the conference . I loved the networking and all of the speakers...
I must say that was the BEST conference I have ever been too!!. The wealth of knowledge, skills and passion in the room was second to none!
The conference was good I really enjoyed it.
I feel so blessed to have attended my first NAWC!
What an incredible vibe, amazing people and inspiring services.
Click here for Conference Memories
I thought it was great! Thank you.
Mate, this was my first time. I was asked to attend by my senior manager, and I totally enjoyed it.... it totally opened my eyes to resources I did not know existed. A great venue, great people, great contacts.
Thanks for your hard work and the team to run the event so smoothly. I think everyone enjoyed the event, I certainly did.

This was a great gig indeed - well done to yourself and Mel and the team for putting this together !!


I loved that people felt comfortable to ask some hard questions and also the laughter in the room was great and the networking with others was very professional also. 

Claire and I would like to thank Spirit Dreaming for letting us be involved in this conference. I know I leave feeling positive and part of the bigger picture.
 I wanted to say a deep thank you for hosting the conference last week. It was so much more than I expected. I was blown away with each presentation.
I felt the conference had a variety of speakers who were excellent.  The variety of subjects were awesome.   In fact I had a hunger to learn and I was absolutely satisfied.  As a non-aboriginal person I purposely positioned myself among aboriginal people to gain more understanding through casual conversation.

I would like to thank you all for making me feel so welcome over the couple of days at the Conference. 

 During the conference I had the pleasure of meeting quite a few of the delegates and speaking to them about their organisation and the role they play in their communities.

 Personally I enjoyed the conference ... I feel you guys are doing a fab. Job and hopefully I am able to attend more in the future.


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