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2022 National Aboriginal Wellbeing Conference.
We had over 170 delegates attend, 9 guest speakers and a variety of 15 workshops
A special thanks goes to our sponsors who enabled us to have a wonderful Welcome Dinner and assist with costs to get some fantastic Guest Speakers;
Destinations NSW
Calleo Indigenous
Spirit Dreaming Training & Education
Australian Family Group Conferencing & Assessments

I would like to say thank you for inviting me to be part of your amazing event.
I had an amazing time reconnecting with old colleagues and making new ones. I will definitely be putting the dates into my calendar for 2023.
Look forward to undertaking FGC training in the future. -Jo
Lateral Violence, bloody awesome and well presented by Mel -Trent
Paul’s talk was so insightful. I really enjoyed Jamie’s presentation and also the work Mark is doing on MPOWER. -James
Aunty Deb workshop was amazing. Her healing, her story and her products are just beautiful -Rosie
the pre dinner was too deadly -Lisa
one of the best wellbeing conference held by far. can not wait until next year. bring on 2023 Wellbeing Conference -Mark
what Mark and his team are doing for the young people is awesome the educational system needs a shake up and a rethink of how and what they are teaching the young people of today and the tools they are giving them for the future. -Jade
vast array of speakers and workshops that benefit to a larger number of the community. wish I could of attended them all -Sam
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