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 Guest Speaker's

Paul Callaghan

Wellbeing Programs –
Symptomology versus Causality and the Importance of Healing


Paul will explore the importance of programs that target the causes of disadvantage. This will include Paul providing a chronology of the Aboriginal experience that was developed as part of his PhD that expresses the impact of colonialism and racism on wellbeing and the importance of cultural reclamation in the healing process.

Caroline Cousins

Different Forms of Empathy
How Neuroscience is catching up with ways of connecting

It is now possible to map what is going on in our brains when we are empathically engaging and connecting with other people.

This is bringing new understandings to how we do connection with each other and also the implications for our own vicarious trauma and burnout in the helping professions.

This session will outline key elements from emerging research, consider the implications for self care and ask questions around how this can link with cultural ways of knowing and being.

Lisa Barbour

Programs that Hit the Mark

This session will showcase the programs and services Katungul provides our communities including our footprint of the Bega Valley and Eurobodalla Shire and the positive impact resulting because of these programs.

Margy Duke 

Journey to Reconnection 

Richard Widders

Al (Alcohol) Goes to Court 

Al is charged with creating heartache and pain in communities

The court raises awareness of Alcohol and explores safe drinking and raise awareness of contributing factors to drinking and dangers it has lots of humour in it to lighten the topic but the key point is once the play is done, the judge, turns to the entire audience and informs them they are the jury and requests a verdict.

Mark Robertson

Topic To Be Advised 

Kayleen Dennis

Why Communities Don't Engage 

Discussion Panels

Living with Lateral Violence 

Mediator - Mel Brown 

We engage in lateral violence as a way to find power for ourselves in a powerless situation – to make ourselves feel better by putting others down.  No-one wants to be at the bottom of the pile, so to rise from the pile we engage in behaviours which takes power from others to make them feel useless and worthless so that we ourselves feel better and more dominant.


The Panel will discuss;

  • The impact of lateral violence individuals, organisations and communities 

  • The effects of lateral violence on our mental health and dysfunction in our communities

  • Discuss strategies which can be used to reduce this behaviour

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Something between Heritage and Identity 

Mediator - Mel Brown 

A person can have Aboriginal Heritage without Aboriginal Identity.  This does NOT make a person less Aboriginal, however provides families and individuals the opportunity to value their ancestry without immersing themselves within the Aboriginal culture.


A panel will discuss;

  • The challenges we are faced with when the issues of Identity arises in our personal, and professional lives.

  • Are we imposing a culture on people who do not want to identify but want to honour their heritage?

  • Is there a possibility of considering offering "another" box to tick?

Discussing the journey of reconnection, identity, and healing. Where to start on your genealogical journey, the questions you need to ask and how. What and where specific documents /archives are held to assist you and how to record what you find.


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This event is

Aboriginal Owned & Hosted



Spirit Dreaming Training & Education





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